Matthei Condemns Yáñez’s Resignation: ‘It Violates Me as a Chilean’

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Matthei Condemns Yáñez’s Resignation: ‘It Violates Me as a Chilean’

Providencia Mayor Evelyn Matthei has strongly criticized the resignation of Ricardo Yáñez as General Director of the Carabineros (Chilean National Police), who will be formally charged on October 1st. During her tour of the O’Higgins region, the mayor spoke to the media about Yáñez’s departure.

It violates me, as a Chilean, that when we have a serious problem with crime, the one who has done the job is asked to resign, while those who have failed remain there. It violates me.

Matthei also emphasized:

How easy it is to send all the Carabineros to expose their lives and then ask for their resignation for any reason, while those responsible do not do their job.

Previously, through her X account, the mayor had posted:

The world upside down: The one who does the job in Security resigns, and those who fail in it, remain there.

Yáñez’s Resignation

On Friday afternoon, President Gabriel Boric accepted Yáñez’s resignation. In conversation with the media, the former head of the uniformed police stated:

I believe that respect for the institution, respect for my Carabineros, respect for the uniform I wear, and respect for my institutional career, oblige me to make this decision.

Additionally, the former general director expressed:

I insist, (the decision was) out of a personal conviction, out of respect for the investiture of what it means to be a general director, towards the institution and towards my Carabineros.

General Marcelo Araya will assume command of the institution in Yáñez’s place.


Matthei’s strong reaction to Yáñez’s resignation highlights the ongoing challenges in Chile’s public security landscape. While the former general director has taken responsibility for the situation, the mayor’s criticism suggests a need for greater accountability and a more comprehensive approach to addressing the country’s crime problems.

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