Antofagasta Triumphs in the War on Drugs: Record-Breaking Seizures Shatter Previous Year’s Totals

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Antofagasta Triumphs in the War on Drugs: Record-Breaking Seizures Shatter Previous Year’s Totals

The Antofagasta region of Chile has made a remarkable achievement in the fight against drug trafficking, seizing an astounding 13 tons of drugs in the first five months of 2023, surpassing the total amount confiscated throughout the entire previous year. This remarkable feat is the result of a series of successful operations carried out by the Carabineros (Chilean police) and the regional prosecutor’s office, underscoring the alarming rise of drug trafficking organizations and the urgent need for increased resources to combat this growing threat.

Staggering Seizures: A Glimpse into the Scope of the Problem

In just the past few days, three separate Carabineros operations in the La Negra area of Antofagasta and in Taltal led to the seizure of 917 kilograms of marijuana and 4 kilograms of cocaine base. These seizures, combined with previous operations, have resulted in the region surpassing the 12.6 tons of drugs confiscated in 2022.

As Juan Castro Bekios, the regional prosecutor of Antofagasta, stated, These three procedures have already allowed us to surpass the 12.6 tons seized in 2023, which demonstrates the intense activity of the criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking, as well as the urgent need to have more resources and means to control this crime.

A Troubling Trend: Marijuana on the Rise

The prosecutor’s office revealed that 40% of all drug seizures in the country have occurred in the Antofagasta region, with marijuana being the drug that has seen the most significant increase, with a 200% rise compared to the previous year.

Coordinated Efforts: Carabineros’ Successful Operations

The Carabineros have been instrumental in these record-breaking seizures, with their various control devices and operations along the borders and highways. As Colonel Álvaro Muñoz Sepúlveda, the acting head of the Antofagasta Zone of Carabineros, explained, This allows us to have police controls in different places, different times and different days to alternate the action that is carried out. In this area, three procedures were carried out on consecutive days that yielded a total of 921 kilos of drugs, with the arrest of five people, all of them Chileans.

The Staggering Financial Impact

The prosecutor’s office estimates that the 13 tons of drugs seized this year in the region have a street value of approximately $138 billion, highlighting the immense financial resources and power of the drug trafficking organizations operating in the area.

Conclusion: A Call for Urgent Action

The Antofagasta region’s remarkable drug seizures have exposed the alarming scale of the drug trafficking problem in the area. As the prosecutor’s office emphasizes, all state institutions must take responsibility and address this growing phenomenon. The establishment of a prosecutor’s office in the commune of San Pedro de Atacama is seen as a crucial step in improving the criminal prosecution of these drug trafficking organizations and providing better access to justice for the communities in the region’s interior.

The battle against drug trafficking in Antofagasta is far from over, but these record-breaking seizures demonstrate the unwavering commitment of the Carabineros and the regional prosecutor’s office to disrupt the operations of these criminal networks and protect the people of Antofagasta. The road ahead may be long, but the region’s triumph in the war on drugs serves as a beacon of hope and a call to action for the entire country.

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