Matthei Demands a Turning Point: Outrage Over Brutal Killing of Carabineros

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Matthei Demands a Turning Point: Outrage Over Brutal Killing of Carabineros

The mayor of Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, has reacted with outrage and determination following the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of three Carabineros (Chilean police officers) in the Cañete commune of the Biobío Region. In a powerful statement, Matthei declared that "This has to mark a turning point in Chile."

The attack, which Matthei described as a "brutally cruel terrorist act that has shaken all of Chile," saw a group of armed individuals open fire on a police patrol vehicle, subsequently burning the vehicle with the officers still inside. "Our first words are of pain, accompaniment, and indignation towards their families, friends, comrades, and the institution," Matthei added.

Combating Organized Crime and Weakening Institutions

Matthei’s response went beyond mere condemnation, as she called for a significant escalation in the fight against drug traffickers, organized crime, and terrorists. "We not only have to combat them with much more force and resources, but we also have to start thinking as a society about what we are going to do with those officials who are weakening the fight against them," she said.

The mayor specifically called out judges who have forced the disclosure of protected witness names or insisted on granting more privileges to organized crime in high-security prisons. "We have to start thinking about what we are going to do with those other officials who are dedicated to trying to weaken the Carabineros of Chile by pursuing their command with non-existent crimes," Matthei added, hinting at a broader institutional problem that needs to be addressed.

A Decisive Moment for Chile

Matthei’s impassioned response underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for a comprehensive response to the threats facing Chile. The brutal killing of the Carabineros has become a rallying cry for a nation that demands a turning point in the fight against organized crime and those who undermine the efforts of law enforcement. As the country grapples with this tragedy, Matthei’s call for action and accountability resonates with a public seeking justice and a safer future.


Matthei, E. (2023). Matthei por asesinato de carabineros: "Esto tiene que marcar un punto de inflexión en Chile". [online] Available at: [REDACTED].

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