Boric Stands Firm: Dismisses Impeachment Attempt Against Tohá as Unserious

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Boric Stands Firm: Dismisses Impeachment Attempt Against Tohá as Unserious

In a bold display of support, President Gabriel Boric has firmly backed his Interior Minister, Carolina Tohá, dismissing the ongoing impeachment attempt against her as a political maneuver that he has no time to take seriously.

Speaking on Wednesday, Boric praised Tohá’s tireless efforts in tackling the pressing issue of public security, which he described as the top priority for Chilean society today. The Minister Tohá is doing an incessant job on a tremendously difficult issue, which is the priority for our society today, which is to guarantee the security of our compatriots, he declared.

A Divided Society Empowers Delinquency

Boric emphasized that in the face of such challenges, the country should be united, not divided. When society and politics are divided in the face of delinquency, it is delinquency that wins, he added, underscoring the importance of a unified front against the scourge of crime.

Lack of Substance in the Impeachment Attempt

The President went on to dismiss the impeachment attempt, stating that it was clearly lacking in substance and justification. He pointed to the recent statements made by the former General Director of the Carabineros (Chilean National Police), Ricardo Yáñez, as evidence of the government’s commitment to supporting the institution and prioritizing public security.

A Recurring Demand for Resignations

Boric also took aim at the opposition, noting that the UDI, the right-wing, and the Republican parties have been repeatedly calling for the resignation of government officials, including the Interior Minister. I don’t have time to take that seriously, he declared, dismissing the opposition’s demands as a recurring political tactic.


President Boric’s unwavering support for Minister Tohá and his firm rejection of the impeachment attempt send a clear message: the government remains focused on the critical issue of public security, and it will not be distracted by political maneuvers that lack substance. As the country navigates these challenging times, Boric’s leadership and commitment to unity in the face of adversity will be crucial in the fight against delinquency and the pursuit of a safer, more secure Chile.

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