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Molycop Fights Back: Demands 49% Tariff on Chinese Steel Imports to Protect Domestic Jobs

Molycop Fights Back: Demands 49% Tariff on Chinese Steel Imports to Protect Domestic Jobs

Molycop Fights Back: Demands 49% Tariff on Chinese Steel Imports to Protect Domestic Jobs

In a bold move to protect the domestic steel industry, Molycop, a prominent manufacturer of steel balls for the mining sector, has filed an appeal with the Anti-Distortion Commission to reopen an investigation into alleged dumping of Chinese steel products. The company is seeking the imposition of a 49% tariff on these imports, arguing that it is necessary to safeguard the livelihoods of nearly 1,000 workers directly and indirectly employed in the domestic ball production industry.

The appeal comes at a critical juncture, as Huachipato, a major steel producer, has announced plans to halt its operations in Talcahuano, a move that could have devastating consequences for the local economy. Molycop, which had been a significant customer of Huachipato, accounting for 70% of its ball production, fears that its own workers may face a similar fate if the alleged dumping practices from China are not addressed.

Molycop’s Argument: Dumping Practices and Domestic Damage

In its appeal, Molycop argues that the Anti-Distortion Commission has made an error in its previous decision to terminate the investigation into the alleged dumping of Chinese steel products. The company claims that it has evidence of dumping and that the imposition of a 49.1% tariff, or any other appropriate measure, is necessary to protect the domestic industry and the jobs it supports.

According to Molycop’s submission, the import of steel balls has increased by 61% in the first six months of the year, following a 50% surge between August 2023 and January 2024. The company contends that this surge in imports, driven by unfair dumping practices, has caused significant damage to the domestic production.

Protecting Domestic Jobs and Investor Confidence

Molycop’s appeal also highlights the potential impact on the local workforce, stating that around 1,000 workers have a direct or indirect connection to the domestic ball production industry. The company expresses concern that these workers may face a similar fate to the employees of Huachipato, should the alleged dumping practices continue unchecked.

Furthermore, Molycop argues that the Anti-Distortion Commission’s decision to terminate the investigation has left the domestic industry in a state of absolute defenselessness, violating the trust placed in the Chilean state by both Chilean and foreign investors.

Conclusion: A Crucial Moment for the Domestic Steel Industry

Molycop’s appeal represents a critical moment for the domestic steel industry, as it seeks to protect its workforce and the broader economic impact of the alleged dumping practices. The company’s demand for a 49% tariff on Chinese steel imports underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for decisive action to safeguard the local steel industry and the jobs it supports.

As the government’s efforts to revitalize the industrial sector in the Bío Bío region continue, the outcome of Molycop’s appeal will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the future of the domestic steel industry and the communities that depend on it.

Quote: Molycop pide se deje sin efecto la determinación de poner término anticipado a la investigación que llevaba adelante en el mercado de bolas, asegurando que es un error en circunstancias que se ha acreditado el dumping, y sugiere la imposición de un arancel de 49,1% o el que la comisión considere pertinente.



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