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Nadal Confronts Retirement Rumors After Tough Loss at Paris 2024 Olympics

Nadal Confronts Retirement Rumors After Tough Loss at Paris 2024 Olympics

Nadal Confronts Retirement Rumors After Tough Loss at Paris 2024 Olympics

Following his elimination in the singles event at the Paris 2024 Olympics against Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal analyzed what was his final individual duel in an Olympic Games. He also addressed the rumors of retirement once the five-ring event is over.

In the mixed zone, the former world number one stated that a player has been much better than the other and one must accept it. For an hour, it was hard to digest everything that was happening, although I have done it. I have tried to have the right attitude and mentality to accept it because I knew there was a possibility that the match would be like this, he assured.

No Match for Djokovic

Nadal acknowledged that he was unable to play at the level he needed, and Djokovic did not give him much either. I have not been able to maintain the quality of the ball to create problems for him. From there, I also don’t have the legs I had 15 years ago. So without the ball quality and the legs I had 15 years ago, you’re not going to create problems for the best in history, are you?, he added.

From there, the analysis is easy, I have not been at my level, he has been and the reaction has not been complete. I managed to recover up to the point of having options at 5-4 up, but I was not able to convert it and it was over, he stated.

Lessons Learned and Retirement Rumors

Regarding the lessons this Olympic participation leaves him, Nadal reflected that I think at this point there is little to learn. I have enough experience to know that when one is not able to give the level needed in matches of this demand, and I have not been able to, small differences make a big difference in the overall computation of the game.

In that sense, the decisions I have to make after this, I will make them later. It is not the time to get down because I have the doubles left and I am in competition. It is the moment to accept a tough defeat in the way, but also in the way it is easier to accept. From there, to have the right mentality, which I know I will not fail in for sure, to be ready for tomorrow, he complemented.

When asked about a possible retirement after the Olympic Games, Nadal said that I swear I can’t be thinking about that all day. You come here and ask me the same thing every day, and in the end, it’s very difficult to regain an optimal level if I’m thinking about whether I’m retiring or not.

I’ve had two very difficult years, with many physical problems that haven’t allowed me to have continuity. That’s why I’ve given myself extra time to see if I was able to recover many things, but if you always ask me about retirement, it’s impossible because you’re always with the fly behind your ear that doesn’t let you develop what you need to give yourself a real option, he added.

Determined to Compete

Nadal went on to review how tough the last seasons on the circuit have been. I’ve been suffering for two years, I’ve had hip surgery, I’ve been in recovery for a long time, and now I’m feeling better physically. Obviously, if I feel I’m not competitive, I’m going to make the decision to leave, but I’ve played very little, to be honest. It’s not easy to recover from a hip surgery.

I try to do what I can to try to enjoy and to give myself the option to be competitive. If I don’t have more desire to play, I will communicate it and that’s it, but I’m going to live day by day to choose what I have to do, he concluded.


Despite the disappointment of his loss against Djokovic, Rafael Nadal remains determined to continue competing and give himself the best chance to be competitive. However, he acknowledges the physical challenges he has faced in recent years and the possibility of retirement if he feels he can no longer perform at the highest level. Nadal’s candid remarks provide a glimpse into the mindset of a tennis legend as he navigates the twilight of his illustrious career.



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