Home Internacional Boric Urges Venezuela to Ensure ‘Normal Development’ of Elections and Respect Results

Boric Urges Venezuela to Ensure ‘Normal Development’ of Elections and Respect Results

Boric Urges Venezuela to Ensure 'Normal Development' of Elections and Respect Results

Boric Urges Venezuela to Ensure ‘Normal Development’ of Elections and Respect Results

In a meeting with foreign correspondents, Chilean President Gabriel Boric addressed the upcoming presidential elections in Venezuela, scheduled for this Sunday, July 28th. Boric emphasized that this event is ‘decisive’ for Venezuela to overcome the ‘severe economic, political and social crisis’ it has faced in recent years.

The President noted that ‘the stability and progress’ of Venezuela ‘is a matter that is certainly in the interest of its own people, but also of all of Latin America.’ Regarding the upcoming elections, Boric outlined three key considerations that underpin his government’s position:

1. Transparent, Competitive Elections with International Observation

Boric stated that the ‘electoral process in Venezuela must ensure transparent, competitive elections subject to international observation.’ He stressed the importance of ‘full compliance with the commitments made in Barbados, both by the Venezuelan government and the Unitary Platform.’

2. Full Respect for Human Rights

Secondly, Boric indicated that ‘the full respect for human rights, both political and social rights, must be guaranteed.’ He noted that ‘on several occasions, we have expressed our opinion when we have observed violations’ through his own declarations or those of the Foreign Minister.

3. Lifting of Unilateral Sanctions

Lastly, Boric addressed the ‘unilateral sanctions’ imposed by the United States against Venezuela, which he believes ‘are detrimental’ to the people of that nation. He stated that ‘they should lift those sanctions to allow the recovery of normalcy in Venezuela.’

A Call for Respect and Guarantees

Finally, the President made an important call to the Nicolás Maduro regime regarding these elections. He ‘requested the guarantee of the normal development of the electoral process with guarantees, especially for the opposition, granting an unrestricted respect for the results that are duly accredited.’


President Gabriel Boric’s statements reflect Chile’s position on the upcoming Venezuelan elections, emphasizing the need for transparent, competitive, and internationally observed elections, full respect for human rights, and the lifting of unilateral sanctions to allow for Venezuela’s recovery. His call for the guarantee of the normal development of the electoral process and respect for the results underscores the importance of a fair and democratic electoral process in Venezuela.


Agencia Uno – Referencial



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