Navarro’s Radical Proposal: A High-Security Prison in the Andes of Bío Bío

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Navarro’s Radical Proposal: A High-Security Prison in the Andes of Bío Bío

In a bold move, Alejandro Navarro, a former senator and current pre-candidate for Regional Governor, has proposed a radical solution to the country’s prison crisis: constructing a high-security prison in the Andes of the Bío Bío region. This proposal comes in response to the recent announcement made by President Gabriel Boric and Minister of Justice Luis Cordero to build a high-security prison in Santiago.

Criticizing the Centralist Approach

Navarro has criticized the government’s decision as being too centralist, arguing that it does not effectively address the underlying problem. According to Navarro, the proposed prison in Santiago, being located in a large urban center, will not provide the necessary isolation and security measures required for high-risk inmates.

Proposing a Cordillera Solution

In contrast, Navarro has suggested that the Bío Bío region also requires a penitentiary facility and has proposed building it in the Andes mountains. This strategic location, he believes, would ensure that the most dangerous inmates are isolated and secure, away from the distractions and potential threats of a densely populated city.

Rethinking the Prison System

Navarro’s proposal goes beyond just the location of the prison. He has also suggested that the current prison system should be restructured, with the existing facilities being reserved for low-risk offenders. Additionally, Navarro believes that first-time offenders should be required to work or study as part of their rehabilitation process.

Echoing Support from a Rival Candidate

Interestingly, Navarro’s proposal has found partial support from another candidate for Regional Governor, Fernando Peña of the Republican party. Peña has stated that financing a high-security prison for the region is part of his campaign platform, aligning with Navarro’s vision for the Bío Bío region.

Navarro’s Controversial Stance on Security

It’s worth noting that Navarro has previously expressed openness to deploying the military on the streets to address the country’s security challenges, a move that has sparked debate and controversy. This latest proposal for a high-security prison in the Andes further underscores Navarro’s unconventional approach to tackling the nation’s pressing issues.


Alejandro Navarro’s proposal to build a high-security prison in the Andes of the Bío Bío region has certainly captured the attention of the public and political landscape. While some may view it as a bold and innovative solution, others may see it as a radical and potentially problematic approach. Nonetheless, Navarro’s vision for a restructured prison system and his willingness to challenge the status quo have undoubtedly sparked a thought-provoking discussion on the future of the country’s criminal justice system.

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