Matthei Condemns Macaya Case as ‘Grave’, Vows Unwavering Defense of Children

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Matthei Condemns Macaya Case as ‘Grave’, Vows Unwavering Defense of Children

In a powerful statement, Providencia Mayor Evelyn Matthei has addressed the controversial Macaya case, describing it as a grave situation and reaffirming her commitment to the protection of children, girls, and adolescents. Matthei’s remarks come in the wake of a recent court decision that revoked the preventive detention measure against Eduardo Macaya, allowing him to be placed under house arrest.

Matthei, who is considered a leading presidential candidate for the UDI party, made her position on the matter crystal clear. I want to be absolutely clear: the defense of children, girls, and adolescents is non-negotiable, she stated firmly on her X account.

The mayor went on to emphasize that Macaya’s crimes have been condemned by the courts, and that the judicial rulings must be strictly enforced. Matthei’s unwavering stance on this issue underscores her dedication to safeguarding the well-being of the most vulnerable members of society.

A Grave Situation Requiring Unwavering Support for Victims

Matthei described the Macaya case as a grave situation, one that demands the full attention and support of the authorities. This is a serious case, where we can only stand with the victims, be concerned about them, and about their well-being, she said, highlighting the importance of prioritizing the needs and welfare of the victims.

A Clear Message: Protecting Minors is Paramount

Matthei’s unequivocal stance on the Macaya case sends a clear message that the protection of children, girls, and adolescents is a top priority for her administration. Her unwavering commitment to this issue underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for decisive action to ensure that justice is served and the rights of the most vulnerable are safeguarded.

Conclusion: Upholding the Law and Prioritizing Victim Support

Evelyn Matthei’s response to the Macaya case demonstrates her unwavering dedication to the defense of minors and her determination to ensure that the judicial rulings are strictly enforced. By standing with the victims and prioritizing their well-being, Matthei has positioned herself as a staunch advocate for the protection of the most vulnerable members of society, a stance that is likely to resonate with the public and solidify her position as a leading political figure.

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