Raffaella di Girolamo Speaks Out: The Devastating Impact of Media Sensationalism on Victims

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Raffaella di Girolamo Speaks Out: The Devastating Impact of Media Sensationalism on Victims

In a powerful statement, Raffaella di Girolamo, a psychologist, has condemned the media’s handling of the leaked testimony from her sexual abuse case against actor Cristián Campos. Di Girolamo has made it clear that the media’s sensationalistic approach is not only damaging to her, but is also inhibiting others from coming forward and reporting their own experiences of abuse.

Through her Instagram account, Di Girolamo shared a statement addressing the media’s coverage, stating: This is not just about me. It’s simply not done… And it’s not done to anyone, emphasizing the harm caused by media revictimization. She added, I took on the revictimization when I reported it, I take responsibility for that, it’s just that there’s another group of people who haven’t been called upon and who have felt entitled to say, speak, opine, conjecture and make a feast of it, highlighting the irresponsibility of those in the media who have chosen to sensationalize her case.

The Devastating Impact of Sensationalism

Di Girolamo was unequivocal in her criticism of the media’s lack of responsibility in covering sensitive cases. She stated, After all that has happened, it seems that there are those who still don’t understand what revictimization means. Worse still: people in this case with power in the field of communications, expressing her frustration with those in the media who have failed to grasp the gravity of their actions.

The psychologist was also adamant in calling out the sensationalism and morbid curiosity present in the coverage of her case. She said, They see you as an adult, but they don’t realize they’re talking about a child. A child who was a victim of the most serious acts; a child who still lives within me, highlighting the media’s failure to recognize the true nature of her experience as a victim.

A Call for Ethical Journalism

Di Girolamo questioned the media’s motives, asking, Did these people really sit down and read the statement I made to the authorities, as if that act of transgression were harmless? Each one selected the paragraph that best served their dark interests. Isn’t it out of morbid curiosity? Does anyone doubt how sordid it is to burst into another person’s story through its dissemination?

Finally, Raffaella di Girolamo made a plea to the media to reflect on the impact of their coverage on victims and those who wish to come forward. She concluded, They are sowing despair and inhibiting those who want to report [abuse], underscoring the urgent need for ethical and responsible journalism when reporting on sensitive cases.


Raffaella di Girolamo’s powerful statement serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of media sensationalism and the importance of prioritizing the well-being of victims. Her call for ethical journalism and a more compassionate approach to reporting on sensitive cases is a crucial step towards creating a society that truly supports and empowers those who have experienced abuse.

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