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Chiloé Reclaims Its Ancestral Lands: A Historic Transfer of Over 1,400 Hectares to Indigenous Community

Chiloé Reclaims Its Ancestral Lands: A Historic Transfer of Over 1,400 Hectares to Indigenous Community

Chiloé Reclaims Its Ancestral Lands: A Historic Transfer of Over 1,400 Hectares to Indigenous Community

In a momentous occasion, the National Corporation for Indigenous Development (Conadi) has officially transferred 1,426 hectares of land to the Cocauque Indigenous Community in the Chiloé archipelago, located in the Los Lagos Region of southern Chile. This historic event marks the culmination of a long-standing claim by the community, which can now rightfully reclaim its ancestral territories.

The transfer ceremony was presided over by Luis Penchuleo, the National Director of Conadi, who traveled to the remote southern tip of Chiloé Island to hand over the official land titles to the community. This landmark decision not only recognizes the Cocauque’s rightful ownership of these lands but also serves as a powerful symbol of the ongoing efforts to restore justice and indigenous sovereignty in the region.

According to Elías Colivoro Chiguay, the Werkén (spokesperson) of the Cocauque community, this event represents the settlement of a long-standing debt owed to the indigenous people of the Chiloé archipelago. With this act, we are finally able to reclaim the lands that rightfully belong to our ancestors, Chiguay stated, underscoring the profound significance of this moment for the community.

The transfer of 1,426.58 hectares of land will directly benefit 38 families within the Cocauque community, marking a significant step towards the restoration of their ancestral rights and the recognition of their deep-rooted connection to the land. Luis Penchuleo, the Conadi National Director, highlighted the importance of this investment, which exceeds $4.2 billion Chilean pesos, emphasizing the government’s commitment to supporting indigenous communities and addressing historical injustices.

Alongside the Cocauque land transfer, the ceremony also included the delivery of a resolution of applicability for lands claimed by the Yaldad Indigenous Community, also located in the Quellón area of Chiloé. This dual recognition underscores the broader efforts to address the longstanding land claims of indigenous communities across the archipelago.

A Milestone in the Struggle for Indigenous Rights

The historic transfer of over 1,400 hectares of land to the Cocauque Indigenous Community in Chiloé represents a significant milestone in the ongoing struggle for indigenous rights and the restoration of ancestral lands. This event not only fulfills a decades-old claim but also serves as a powerful symbol of the resilience and determination of the Cocauque people to reclaim their rightful place in the land they have called home for generations.

As Enzo Jaramillo, the Regional Secretary of Social Development and Family, aptly described, this ceremony is a truly historic moment, one that celebrates the triumph of indigenous communities in their fight for justice and the recognition of their deep-rooted connection to the land. The transfer of these lands to the Cocauque and Yaldad communities marks a crucial step forward in the broader effort to address the longstanding inequities faced by indigenous peoples in Chile and to pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.


The historic transfer of over 1,400 hectares of land to the Cocauque Indigenous Community in Chiloé is a testament to the power of perseverance and the unwavering commitment of indigenous communities to reclaim their ancestral rights. This landmark event not only fulfills a decades-old claim but also serves as a powerful symbol of the ongoing struggle for indigenous sovereignty and the recognition of the deep-rooted connection between these communities and the land they have called home for generations. As the Cocauque and Yaldad communities celebrate this momentous occasion, it is clear that the fight for indigenous rights in Chile continues, and this transfer represents a significant step forward in the pursuit of a more just and equitable future for all.



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