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Boric Stands Firm: Chile’s Unwavering Support for Ukraine in the Face of Russian Aggression

Boric Stands Firm: Chile's Unwavering Support for Ukraine in the Face of Russian Aggression

Boric Stands Firm: Chile’s Unwavering Support for Ukraine in the Face of Russian Aggression

In a remarkable display of global unity, Chilean President Gabriel Boric joined the peace summit convened by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the luxurious mountain resort of Burgenstock, Switzerland. Boric’s participation in this pivotal event underscores Chile’s steadfast support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the international rules-based order.

A Bilateral Meeting with Zelensky: A Shared Commitment to Peace

Prior to the summit, Boric held a bilateral meeting with his Ukrainian counterpart, Zelensky, during which he conveyed Chile’s respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity. This gesture of solidarity serves as a powerful testament to Chile’s unwavering stance in the face of the ongoing conflict.

Zelensky’s Call for Global Unity: Echoing the Principles of the UN Charter

The summit was inaugurated by Zelensky, who expressed gratitude to the participating countries and issued a call for global unity in upholding the principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter. Zelensky’s impassioned plea underscored the urgent need to end the war and achieve a just peace, a sentiment that resonated deeply with the international community.

Boric’s Explanation: Chile’s Support for Ukraine Transcends Geopolitics

During his address at the summit, Boric eloquently explained Chile’s reasons for supporting Ukraine, stating that it was not because they dislike Putin or have sympathy for Zelensky. Rather, Boric emphasized that as a small country in the Global South, Chile recognizes that respect for international law and human rights is the only guarantee for lasting peace.

Drawing Parallels: The Conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine

Boric drew a powerful parallel between the conflict in Ukraine and the ongoing situation in Gaza and Israel, condemning the atrocities committed by the Israeli government under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He made it clear that Chile rejects the choice between the barbarism of Hamas or the massacre perpetrated by the Israeli government, instead choosing to stand for humanity and civilizational progress.

A Call for Continued Cooperation: Today Ukraine, Tomorrow Anyone

In a poignant conclusion, Boric warned that today it is Ukraine and Palestine, but tomorrow it could be any of us. He urged the international community to continue working together for peace, recognizing that the principles at stake transcend individual nations and affect the global community as a whole.

Conclusion: Chile’s Unwavering Commitment to International Law and Human Rights

President Boric’s participation in the peace summit and his impassioned speech demonstrate Chile’s steadfast commitment to the principles of international law and human rights. By standing in solidarity with Ukraine and condemning the violations of these fundamental principles, Chile has positioned itself as a moral beacon in the global arena, inspiring others to follow suit in the pursuit of a more just and peaceful world.



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