Javier Milei Abolishes Argentina’s Ministry of Women: Accused of Imposing an ‘Ideological Agenda’

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Javier Milei Abolishes Argentina’s Ministry of Women: Accused of Imposing an ‘Ideological Agenda’

In a bold move, the Argentine government has confirmed the definitive ‘closure’ of the Ministry of Women, following President Javier Milei’s accusations that the previous administration had used it for ‘political-partisan purposes, to propagate and impose an ideological agenda, hire activists, and organize talks and events’.

Milei, who has made it a key priority to reduce the size of the public administration and ‘downsize the state’, has now taken decisive action to eliminate what he deems an ‘ideologically-driven’ government agency. According to the Ministry of Justice, the decision was made due to a perceived ‘overlap’ of competencies and an ‘unjustifiable’ level of spending, with the previous structure employing over 800 people.

Furthermore, the Milei government has argued that ‘none of its actions resulted in a decrease in the crime rate’, and that, on the contrary, the Argentine people ‘witnessed its ideological bias in the discriminatory defense of victims’. This statement comes in the wake of a concerning report from the National Registry of Feminicides, which revealed a 10.6% increase in femicides in 2023, reaching a total of 250 direct victims, approaching the peak of 260 victims recorded in 2019.

Dismantling the Ministry of Women: A Controversial Move

The decision to abolish the Ministry of Women has sparked a heated debate, with critics accusing Milei of ‘undermining the fight against gender-based violence and the advancement of women’s rights’. Supporters, on the other hand, argue that the ministry had become a ‘politicized’ entity, diverting resources away from more pressing issues.

Regardless of the controversy, Milei’s move is a clear indication of his commitment to reducing the size of the state and eliminating what he perceives as ‘ideologically-driven’ government agencies. As the country grapples with the implications of this decision, the debate over the role of the state and the balance between ideological priorities and practical outcomes is sure to continue.


The closure of Argentina’s Ministry of Women under Javier Milei’s administration has ignited a fiery debate, with proponents and critics alike weighing in on the implications of this controversial move. While Milei’s supporters applaud his efforts to downsize the state and eliminate ‘politicized’ entities, critics argue that this decision undermines the fight against gender-based violence and the advancement of women’s rights.

As the country navigates this complex issue, the broader question of the role of the state and the balance between ideological priorities and practical outcomes remains at the forefront of the national discourse. The future will reveal whether Milei’s bold decision proves to be a strategic move or a misstep in the ongoing quest for a more efficient and effective government.

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