Home Nacional Valparaíso Rises: 31,246 Homes Planned in Ambitious Emergency Housing Plan

Valparaíso Rises: 31,246 Homes Planned in Ambitious Emergency Housing Plan

Valparaíso Rises: 31,246 Homes Planned in Ambitious Emergency Housing Plan

Valparaíso Rises: 31,246 Homes Planned in Ambitious Emergency Housing Plan

In a bold move to address the housing crisis in the Valparaíso region, the Chilean government, through the Housing and Urbanism Service (Serviu), has unveiled the latest figures on the progress of its Emergency Housing Plan. The plan aims to construct a staggering 31,246 homes, and the results so far are both promising and controversial.

Significant Progress, but Doubts Linger

According to the latest update, approximately 12,000 homes have been completed, while an additional 14,000 are currently under construction. The government also reported that 8,000 more homes are set to begin construction soon. This ambitious plan is being carried out across all 8 provinces in the Valparaíso region, including the island territories of Easter Island and the Juan Fernández Archipelago.

However, not everyone is convinced by the government’s figures. National camp leaders have expressed doubts, claiming they do not see the reported numbers reflected on the ground. This discrepancy highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in the implementation of the plan.

Boosting the Economy and Creating Jobs

The regional director of Serviu, Rodrigo Uribe, acknowledged the ambitious nature of the 31,246-home target, but expressed confidence in the plan’s progress. Meanwhile, the regional secretary of Housing and Urbanism, Belén Paredes, emphasized that the reported figures provide certainty to families, construction companies, and the economy, as they generate more jobs for the region.

A Nationwide Effort

It’s worth noting that the government has also reported 117,331 homes completed nationwide under the Emergency Housing Plan, with the ultimate goal of reaching 260,000 homes by 2026. This ambitious nationwide initiative aims to address the pressing housing needs across Chile, with Valparaíso serving as a crucial component of this larger effort.


The Emergency Housing Plan in Valparaíso represents a significant step forward in the government’s efforts to tackle the housing crisis. While the reported progress is encouraging, the doubts expressed by community leaders highlight the need for greater transparency and accountability. As the plan continues to unfold, it will be crucial for the government to address these concerns and ensure that the benefits of this initiative are felt by all those in need of affordable and secure housing.


BioBioChile. (2024). Plan de Emergencia Habitacional: reportan 12 mil casas construidas y 14 mil en ejecución en Valparaíso. Retrieved from https://www.biobiochile.cl/noticias/nacional/region-de-valparaiso/2024/05/01/plan-de-emergencia-habitacional-reportan-12-mil-casas-construidas-y-14-mil-en-ejecucion-en-valparaiso.shtml



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