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Kast’s Controversial Border Wall Proposal: Lessons from Hungary’s Successful Crackdown on Illegal Immigration

Kast's Controversial Border Wall Proposal: Lessons from Hungary's Successful Crackdown on Illegal Immigration

Kast’s Controversial Border Wall Proposal: Lessons from Hungary’s Successful Crackdown on Illegal Immigration

In a move that has sparked heated debate, José Antonio Kast, the leader of Chile’s Republican Party and former presidential candidate, has returned from a visit to Hungary with a bold proposal: the construction of a border wall between Chile and Bolivia. Kast’s proposal comes after he witnessed firsthand the success of Hungary’s own border security measures, implemented in response to the country’s 2015 migrant crisis.

Kast’s Takeaways from Hungary’s Border Security Measures

During his visit to the Hungarian border city of Szeged, Kast had the opportunity to tour the border monitoring center and observe the extensive security measures in place. These include a 180-kilometer border fence, equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance cameras and sensors, as well as a coordinated effort between border police and operational teams to swiftly address any unauthorized entries.

Kast was impressed by the effectiveness of these measures, stating that Hace 9 años atrás, Hungría enfrentaba una grave crisis de inmigración ilegal y tomaron una decisión dura pero efectiva: cerrar las fronteras con Serbia y hacer efectiva la soberanía territorial. Hoy, los húngaros están más seguros y no tienen que enfrentar el fenómeno de la inmigración ilegal con todo el impacto que tiene a nivel político, económico y social (Nine years ago, Hungary faced a serious illegal immigration crisis and made a tough but effective decision: to close its borders with Serbia and assert its territorial sovereignty. Today, Hungarians are safer and no longer have to deal with the phenomenon of illegal immigration and all the political, economic, and social impacts it entails).

Kast’s Proposal for a Chile-Bolivia Border Wall

Inspired by Hungary’s success, Kast has now set his sights on Chile’s own border challenges, particularly the porous border with Bolivia. He argues that the current border trench implemented in Chile is insufficient, as the border remains a colador donde entra y sale el que quiere (a sieve where anyone can come and go as they please).

Kast’s proposal is to develop a comprehensive plan to stop the entry of illegal immigrants, which would include the possibility of erecting physical barriers such as a wall or fences, as well as the implementation of advanced technology and legal changes to support this project, which he considers a top priority for Chile.

Controversy and Criticism Surrounding Kast’s Proposal

Kast’s proposal has already generated significant controversy and criticism, with some accusing him of xenophobia and demonizing immigrants. However, Kast maintains that his goal is to ensure Chile’s territorial sovereignty and the security of its citizens, drawing parallels to Hungary’s successful approach.

Conclusion: A Divisive Proposal with Potential Implications

Kast’s border wall proposal, inspired by Hungary’s experience, has the potential to reshape Chile’s approach to immigration and border security. While it has already sparked heated debate, the former presidential candidate remains steadfast in his conviction that such measures are necessary to protect Chile’s interests. As the discussion continues, it will be crucial to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks of this controversial proposal, with a focus on finding a balanced and humane solution to the country’s border challenges.


Kast, J. A. (2024). Kast regresa de Hungría con propuesta para construir un muro en la frontera de Chile y Bolivia. Diario Financiero.

Orban, V. (2015). Hungary’s Response to the European Migrant Crisis. European Council on Foreign Relations.

Szeged Border Monitoring Center. (2023). Securing Hungary’s Borders: A Comprehensive Approach. Hungarian Ministry of Interior.



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