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lunes, julio 1, 2024

Socoepa Fined $65 Million for Neglecting Vegetation Clearance Around Power Lines in Máfil

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Socoepa Fined $65 Million for Neglecting Vegetation Clearance Around Power Lines in Máfil

In a move that underscores the importance of responsible power infrastructure management, the Chilean Electricity and Fuels Superintendency (SEC) has imposed a substantial fine of 1,000 UTM (equivalent to over $65 million) on the electric utility company Socoepa. The penalty was levied after the regulatory body discovered that Socoepa, responsible for power supply in the rural areas of Máfil commune, had failed to fulfill its duty of clearing vegetation from around its transmission lines, thereby compromising the required safety corridor.

The fine was the result of a formal charge brought by the SEC, following a thorough on-site investigation and data gathering conducted in June 2023. According to residents of the surrounding communities, Socoepa has been providing an unsatisfactory service for at least the past year, with the company’s neglect of the power line maintenance a major source of concern.

Neglecting Vegetation Clearance Poses Serious Risks

The failure to maintain the required vegetation clearance around power lines can have severe consequences, both in terms of service reliability and public safety. Overgrown vegetation can interfere with the transmission of electricity, leading to power outages and disruptions. Moreover, it increases the risk of electrical fires and other hazardous incidents, putting the local community in jeopardy.

Socoepa’s Silence Raises Concerns

When approached by the media for a statement, Socoepa did not respond to the requests, leaving the public and regulatory authorities without the company’s perspective on the matter. This silence only serves to heighten the concerns surrounding the utility’s commitment to its responsibilities and the well-being of the communities it serves.

Importance of Responsible Power Infrastructure Management

The SEC’s decisive action in imposing this substantial fine on Socoepa underscores the critical importance of responsible power infrastructure management. Utility companies have a fundamental duty to ensure the safety and reliability of their networks, which includes maintaining the necessary vegetation clearance around power lines. Failure to do so not only puts the public at risk but also undermines the trust and confidence that communities place in their service providers.


The SEC’s decision to levy a $65 million fine on Socoepa serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that can arise from neglecting essential power infrastructure maintenance. This case highlights the need for utility companies to prioritize proactive vegetation management and adhere to the highest standards of safety and reliability. As the public continues to demand more from their service providers, the SEC’s actions send a clear message that such lapses will not be tolerated, and that the well-being of the community must always be the top priority.


SEC (Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles). (2023). SEC multa en $65 millones a eléctrica Socoepa por no mantener cables despejados de vegetación en Máfil. Retrieved from [source withheld].

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