15.9 C
viernes, junio 28, 2024

Carabineros General Director Fights for Justice: Yáñez Challenges Prosecution’s Overreach

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Carabineros General Director Fights for Justice: Yáñez Challenges Prosecution’s Overreach

In a dramatic turn of events, the General Director of Carabineros, Ricardo Yáñez, has taken a stand against what his defense team claims are violations of due process and the right to defense. Just days before his scheduled formal indictment on May 7th, Yáñez’s legal counsel has filed a writ of amparo (habeas corpus) with the Court of Appeals in Santiago.

Allegations of Prosecutorial Misconduct

According to the writ, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has violated the guarantees of due process and disregarded the right to defense of the Carabineros chief. The defense argues that the Prosecutor’s Office intends to seek the most severe personal precautionary measure against Yáñez and the other accused, including pre-trial detention.

Challenging the Prosecution’s Overreach

The defense team asserts that the Public Prosecutor’s Office, by violating the guarantees of due process and disregarding the right to defense of my client, is attempting to deprive Yáñez of his personal freedom through an arbitrary and illegal pre-trial detention. They argue that the personal freedom and individual security of the Carabineros General Director are directly disturbed and threatened by unconstitutional and illegal administrative acts committed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Defending the Right to a Fair Trial

This legal challenge by Yáñez’s defense team underscores the high stakes involved in this case. They are determined to ensure that the due process and the right to defense of the Carabineros chief are upheld, even in the face of what they perceive as prosecutorial overreach. The outcome of this writ of amparo could have significant implications for the ongoing investigations and the broader debate surrounding the role of Carabineros during the social unrest.


The filing of this writ of amparo by the defense of the Carabineros General Director, Ricardo Yáñez, just days before his formal indictment, has added a new layer of complexity to this high-profile case. The defense’s allegations of prosecutorial misconduct and the threat to Yáñez’s personal freedom have set the stage for a legal battle that will undoubtedly capture the attention of the public and the media. As the case unfolds, the outcome will have far-reaching implications for the ongoing investigations and the broader debate surrounding the role of Carabineros during the social unrest.

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