Boric Demands Verifiable Results After Maduro’s Triumph: A Call for Transparency in Venezuela’s Elections

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Boric Demands Verifiable Results After Maduro’s Triumph: A Call for Transparency in Venezuela’s Elections

In a strong and unwavering stance, Chilean President Gabriel Boric has made it clear that his government will not recognize any election results in Venezuela that are not fully transparent and verifiable. Boric’s comments come in the wake of the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) declaring Nicolás Maduro the winner of the recent presidential election, a result that has been met with widespread skepticism and calls for accountability.

In a series of tweets, Boric expressed his deep concerns about the integrity of the electoral process, stating that the Maduro regime must understand that the results it publishes are difficult to believe. He went on to emphasize that the international community and, above all, the Venezuelan people, including the millions of Venezuelans in exile, demand total transparency of the ballot boxes and the process, and that impartial international observers account for the veracity of the results.

A Call for Transparency and Accountability

Boric’s unwavering stance is a clear message to the Maduro regime that the international community will not accept any election results that are not subject to rigorous scrutiny and verification. The Chilean president’s refusal to recognize the outcome unless it is fully transparent and verifiable is a bold move that underscores the importance of democratic principles and the need for accountability in the electoral process.

The Ongoing Struggle for Democracy in Venezuela

The situation in Venezuela has been a source of ongoing concern for the international community, with the country’s political and economic crisis deepening over the years. Boric’s intervention is a significant step in the ongoing struggle for democracy and the protection of the rights of the Venezuelan people, both within the country and in the diaspora.


President Boric’s uncompromising stance on the need for transparent and verifiable election results in Venezuela is a powerful statement that resonates with the international community’s commitment to democratic principles. As the world watches the unfolding events in Venezuela, Boric’s call for accountability and transparency serves as a beacon of hope for those who yearn for a future where the will of the people is truly reflected in the electoral process.


Boric, G. (2024, July 29). [Tweet]. Twitter.

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