Sichel Exposes Hermosilla’s Pressure Tactics: A Revealing Glimpse into the Shadowy World of Banking and Politics

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Sichel Stands Firm Against Hermosilla’s Pressure Tactics

In a startling revelation, Sebastián Sichel, a former minister during the Sebastián Piñera government and current mayoral candidate for the commune of Ñuñoa, has admitted that he faced pressure from lawyer Luis Hermosilla to approve bank loans for his clients while Sichel was serving as the president of BancoEstado.

This bombshell comes amidst the ongoing investigations into the Audio case, where Hermosilla is currently in preventive detention. The case has also implicated former Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick, who is set to be summoned as an accused in the investigation.

Uncovering the Web of Influence

According to a Ciper investigation, between 2020 and 2021, Hermosilla, who was an advisor to the Ministry of the Interior, managed to obtain three certificates of feasibility in just two and a half months for projects in a rural area in Lampa. These permits, which can typically take more than a year to be issued, were facilitated through Hermosilla’s close relationship with Álvaro Jalaff, the director of the Patio Group, who in turn maintained a close relationship with former minister Chadwick.

These revelations shed light on the potential irregularities in the approval process for these permits, as well as the influence wielded by Hermosilla and the possible involvement of former minister Chadwick.

Sichel’s Principled Stand

In the midst of these allegations, Sebastián Sichel has come forward to reveal that he resisted the pressure from Hermosilla to approve loans for his clients during his time as the president of BancoEstado. Sichel emphasized that he did not succumb to the pressure and is now part of the plaintiffs against Hermosilla in the case.

Reactions from the Political Sphere

The revelations have sparked reactions from various political figures. From the opposition, Tomás de Rementería, a deputy from the socialist caucus, emphasized that all people must be available to collaborate with justice. On the other hand, Stephan Schubert, a deputy from the Republican caucus, stated that he believes it is appropriate to investigate and sanction any actions that constitute a crime.


The Sichel-Hermosilla saga sheds light on the intricate web of influence and corruption that permeates the highest levels of power in Chile. Sichel’s principled stand against Hermosilla’s pressure tactics serves as a beacon of hope in a system that often seems to prioritize personal interests over the public good. As the investigations continue, the true extent of the corruption and abuse of power may be further unveiled, leaving the public to grapple with the sobering realities of the political landscape.


Ciper. (2024). Sichel asegura que recibió presiones de Hermosilla y lo rechazó cuando era presidente de BancoEstado. Retrieved from [source withheld].

BioBioChile. (2024). Reacciones a citación de Andrés Chadwick en caso Audio: Sichel, Rementería y Schubert se pronuncian. Retrieved from [source withheld].

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