Bachelet Exposes the Alarming Rise of Online and Offline Violence Against Women in Politics

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Bachelet Exposes the Alarming Rise of Online and Offline Violence Against Women in Politics

In a powerful address at the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament in Panama, former President Michelle Bachelet sounded the alarm on the growing threat of political violence against women, which can manifest both offline and online. Bachelet’s words serve as a stark reminder of the challenges women face in the political arena and the urgent need to address this pressing issue.

The Insidious Nature of Political Violence Against Women

Bachelet made it clear that this type of violence is not about discussing thoughts, because that is democracy, but rather a concerted effort to undermine and discredit women in the political sphere, ultimately generating a sense of insecurity. She emphasized that when women enter politics, not only do they change, but the very nature of politics itself is transformed.

The Erosion of Democratic Principles

Bachelet also highlighted the alarming trend of democratically elected leaders undermining democratic institutions once in power. She noted that while in the past, authoritarian regimes often came to power through military coups, today they arrive through a democratically elected president, once installed in power, they begin to threaten democratic institutions.

The Urgent Need for Action

Bachelet stressed the critical importance of parliaments ensuring that democracies fulfill their promises of well-being for the people in the region, to prevent citizens from doubting the system. She believes that defending democracy is a fundamental principle for ensuring sustainable development.


Bachelet’s powerful words serve as a wake-up call to the international community, highlighting the alarming rise of political violence against women, both online and offline, and its detrimental impact on the democratic progress in Latin America and the Caribbean. Her call to action underscores the urgent need for decisive measures to protect women in politics and strengthen democratic institutions across the region.

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