Yamila Reyna Breaks Silence on Raquel ArgandoƱa’s Controversial Remarks: ‘Perhaps She Built Her Career That Way’

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Yamila Reyna Breaks Silence on Raquel ArgandoƱa’s Controversial Remarks: ‘Perhaps She Built Her Career That Way’

It was back in April of last year, when Yamila Reyna was hosting the now-defunct Hoy se habla on TVN, that Raquel ArgandoƱa, a panelist on Tal Cual, made some scathing comments against her. Excuse me, and the ‘regalona’? I don’t know who she’s dating, the Argentine from Channel 7, she’s the ‘regalona’ of TVN… she’s taken the shortest path, ArgandoƱa began, referring to Reyna.

But her words didn’t stop there, as she continued to lash out at the Argentine host: She has a very good godfather… To be a co-host on a morning show, one has to have built a career over the years, unless they take the short path, which doesn’t last very long (…) Yes, she must have a very good talent, she added, hinting at a double meaning.

Reyna Responds to the Controversial Remarks

Now, in a preview of this Friday’s episode of Podemos Hablar, the Argentine host addressed ArgandoƱa’s controversial comments once again. I was practically accused of prostitution, saying that I slept with the channel’s directors and that’s why I was in that position, Reyna stated, referring to ArgandoƱa’s remarks.

She went on to say, Perhaps she, in some way, has built her career that way, but that doesn’t mean we’ve all done it the same way, Reyna concluded.

The Importance of Not Making Assumptions

Reyna’s response highlights the need to avoid making assumptions about how others have built their careers. The entertainment industry can be complex, and the paths to success are often not straightforward. By addressing ArgandoƱa’s comments directly, Reyna reminds us that we should be cautious about judging others without understanding the full context of their experiences.


In this candid interview, Yamila Reyna has shown the courage to confront the controversial remarks made by Raquel ArgandoƱa. Her response serves as a reminder that we should be mindful of the assumptions we make and the impact they can have on others. As the entertainment industry continues to evolve, it’s crucial that we approach these discussions with empathy, nuance, and a willingness to understand the diverse experiences that shape an individual’s career journey.

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