Boric’s Progress Report: Navigating Challenges and Charting a Path Forward

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Boric’s Progress Report: Navigating Challenges and Charting a Path Forward

As President Gabriel Boric gears up to deliver his 2024 Public Account, the spotlight turns to the numbers, achievements, and setbacks that have defined his administration’s journey thus far. In a memo from the Communications Secretariat (Secom), the government highlights its successes in areas such as security, economic growth, family incomes, social security, and transportation. Additionally, the administration has touted the passage of the 40-Hour Law, Zero Co-payment, and the Mining Royalty.

However, the numbers tell a more nuanced story. According to the Resolviendo en democracia study by Rumbo Colectivo, the government has fulfilled 51.7% of its program, with 28.9% of the measures fully implemented and 22.8% partially implemented. The study also identifies key thematic areas, such as women, copper, lithium, and green hydrogen, as well as efforts to curb the rise in the cost of living.

Unfulfilled Promises and Pending Legislation

The government’s progress, though notable in some areas, has been hindered by a number of unfinished projects and pending legislation. Out of the 32 projects promised by President Boric in his 2023 Public Account, only 9 have been passed by Congress. In the realm of security, for instance, only 2 out of 10 promised projects have been enacted, with initiatives like Restrictions for Narco Funerals and the Rules of Use of Force still awaiting legislative approval.

Unfinished Business: Transportations, Pensions, and Anti-Abuse Policies

The government’s unfulfilled commitments span across various sectors, including transportation, pensions, and anti-abuse policies. The Rumbo Colectivo report highlights the high gap in the fulfillment of these legislative measures, with 6% and 11% completion rates, respectively, as they remain in the legislative process.

Additionally, the cultural sector has seen a low performance, with only 17% of the programmatic axis fulfilled between 2022 and 2024. Projects like the Universal Access to Nursery and the National Care Service are also among the government’s outstanding promises.

Achievements and Ongoing Efforts

Despite the challenges, the government has managed to deliver on certain commitments. These include the Comprehensive Law against Violence towards Women, the expansion of Sernameg’s programmatic offer in gender-based violence, the mining royalty, and the Dialogues for the National Lithium Strategy.

Furthermore, the Chile Apoya Inclusive Recovery Plan, presented in 2022, has seen a 72% fulfillment rate, with 18 out of 25 measures already enacted, according to a study by IdeaPaís.


As President Boric prepares to deliver his 2024 Public Account, the mixed results of his administration’s progress highlight the challenges and complexities of governing in a polarized political landscape. While the government has achieved notable successes in certain areas, the unfinished business and pending legislation remain a significant hurdle to overcome. As the administration navigates these obstacles, it will be crucial to maintain a clear vision, strategic focus, and unwavering commitment to delivering on its promises and serving the best interests of the Chilean people.

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