Cobreloa Forced to Support Truckers’ Protest: Club Clarifies Controversial Video Involving Youth Team and Coach

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Cobreloa Forced to Support Truckers’ Protest: Club Clarifies Controversial Video Involving Youth Team and Coach

In a surprising turn of events, the Chilean football club Cobreloa has found itself at the center of a controversy after a video emerged on social media showing their youth team coach, Jorge Díaz, and some of his players, expressing support for the ongoing truckers’ protests in the country.

The video, which quickly went viral, features Díaz stating: For the safety of Chile and all the Chilean people, we have to fight. I support the truckers of Chile! This statement has sparked outrage among some of the club’s fans, who have accused Díaz of mixing the club with a political movement.

Cobreloa’s Official Response

In response to the backlash, Cobreloa has released an official statement to clarify the context of the video and their stance on the matter. The club has stated that Díaz and the youth team players were forced by the truckers themselves to express their support in order to continue their journey.

The statement reads: Once the video was known, immediate contact was made with the delegation to find out what had happened, who stated that the video was recorded at the northern exit of Calama, at which time they were forced to participate in the activity, conditioning the continuity of the trip, something they agreed to in the midst of concern to comply with what was planned in their transfer to Iquique.

Cobreloa’s Stance

Cobreloa has made it clear that they do not endorse this type of expression of support in which the club’s uniform and emblem are used, and they do not condone the exposure of their youth players to such situations.

The club has also stated that they respect all types of manifestations carried out by the community, and they invite everyone to respect their players and youth teams who represent the colors of Cobreloa and the name of Calama wherever they play.


This incident has highlighted the delicate balance between sports and politics, and the challenges that clubs face when their players and coaches are caught in the middle of social and political movements. Cobreloa’s response aims to clarify the situation and maintain the integrity of their institution, while also acknowledging the right of the community to express their views.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how Cobreloa and other sports organizations will navigate the complex landscape of social and political issues that can impact their operations and the well-being of their players and staff.


Cobreloa’s official statement on the controversial video: Cobreloa’s official Twitter account

Reports on the initial backlash and the club’s response: Various news sources

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