¡Sportech Nacional revoluciona el vóleibol chileno como plataforma oficial de la Federación!

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Revolutionizing Volleyball in Chile: Sportech Nacional Becomes Official Platform of the Federation

USPLAT, a Chilean sports technology company with a presence in several Latin American countries, has announced that it will become the official platform of the Volleyball Federation of Chile. This agreement aims to encourage the management, participation, and promotion of sports events in the country.

The platform, which promotes physical activity among the population, facilitates the automatic registration of individuals in events and matches of different sports disciplines, including athletics, soccer, paddle, volleyball, and tennis, among others. It also allows for tournament management and provides access to competition results and high-performance athletes’ records.

Jose Luis Rencoret, coach and CEO of USPLAT, expressed his satisfaction with this alliance: “The collaboration with the Volleyball Federation of Chile originated from the recognition of USPLAT in the sports field, demonstrating to be an effective solution in event management for other federations. Our previous experience in athletics and collaborations with prominent institutions positioned us as an ideal option for the institution.”

Becoming the official platform of the Volleyball Federation of Chile represents a significant advancement in the digitalization, professionalization, and automation of Chilean volleyball. Rencoret highlighted that USPLAT’s technology will facilitate tournament organization, improve the experience of players and administrators, and provide valuable data for the development of the sport.

“This agreement is a key milestone that demonstrates our ability to adapt to different sports and reaffirms our vision of bringing technology and innovation to the amateur field. It is tangible proof of how we can have a positive impact on volleyball,” added Rencoret.

USPLAT already has a significant presence in athletics, both in Chile and Ecuador, where it is the official platform of the national athletics federations. It also works with high-level institutions, such as the Universidad Católica Sports Club. Regarding its role in the Volleyball Federation, Rencoret explained that the strategy will focus on improving the organization of the more than 120 tournaments held each year in the country, through tools that facilitate registration, result tracking, and statistics. This will enhance sports management and the direct experience of the more than 12,000 federated players annually.

The CEO stated that their goal is to promote volleyball at a national level through technology, promoting the visibility of the sport, offering detailed analysis, and encouraging participation. Thus, they will support the growth and development of volleyball at all levels.

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